


Artist Statement:

I feel so blessed and fortunate to have found my art at the young age of 10. I’m a perfect example of the mantra, “Do what you love to do…and you’ll never work a day in your life!” Since mailing away for my very first Kodak Brownie Camera, I have enjoyed the fantastic rewards of being a photographer. My passion for art and photography has served me well over the years as I have grown, worked, married, raised my family and traveled …always toting my camera along! I’ve enjoyed shooting everything from babies to buildings for free and for money, and now as I embark on this “new chapter” in my life, I feel enthusiastic and energized to enter the “Art” world and begin sharing my “JOFOTOART” with anyone who can appreciate it. I also wish to live by my other mantra for life: “The more you give, the more you get” by always donating a part the proceeds from my “art” to worthwhile causes I believe in.

I hope you enjoy my images.